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Be interruptible – I stopped to use el baño and have a hot drink in the city of Estelle. Turned out it was a day to be remembered from the Civil War in Spain, 1923-1926. There was a reenactment at noon, that I stayed to watch a bit of, because of my amigo Miguel.

I was in the cafe and I was asking the barista about the door handles on many of the older doors I’d been passing but she was not understanding the question. Miguel, dressed ready for battle in 1923, answered my question and told me about the reenactment going on.

Miguel, is a dentist from Pamplona and a lover of his country, Spain. He knows that it is important to remember history. He participates in the reenactment each year.

Miguel, kindly bought me lunch and told me about the battle. In Estelle, the main battle was over a bridge.

Miguel, was on the winning side of the battle. It’s different to go into battle already knowing who will win. How differently we would face our own battles, if we fought as though we have the victory, through Christ!

I stayed to watch some of the battle and I wept on the sideline. Even though I am not Spanish, seeing people shooting at one another was heart breaking. I only made it 20 minutes and then knew I needed to move on. I wanted to be respectful to Miguel because he invited me but I could not stand to watch the battle.

Brothers killing brothers in a civil war. It was so sad to watch and know this has been a reality for far too many people.

I want to say a special THANK YOU, to all of you, who have fought in battle on my behalf. I can not imagine your reality. I am grateful for your sacrifice.