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Hi everyone!  We are now in Cambodia, all 37 members of E squad, we 3 squad leaders and our squad mentor.  We arrived yesterday evening.  It was the first time I have arrived in a country, had the bus stop in a round about and tell us to get off, as we were getting our bags, the heavens opened up and it started pouring down rain!  We’ve not seen rain in a while.  It was quite the adventure.  


This is the beginning of month 5 for us.  The first 3 months in Africa, the internet was a 2 – 3 on a 10 point scale, with 10 being excellent and 1 being dial up.  Last month in Vietnam, the internet was a 8 – 9 most places.  However, Vietnam is a closed country and we were asked to not post blogs, facebook posts, social media, e-mails, etc that explicitly talk about God.  That means this month, I will do my best to post the blogs I have been waiting to share with you, share some stories, testimonies and generally update you to what the Lord’s been doing.


Thank you for thinking of me in prayer, in support and in kindness!  Tina 🙂

6 responses to “Blog explosion!”

  1. Hi Tina! Good to hear from you! Glad you made it safely to the next country. Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences! Have a great day!

  2. Hi Tina! Good to hear from you! Glad you made it safely to the next country. Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences! Have a great day!

  3. Hi Tina,
    Good to hear from you. Cambodia’s internet isn’t all that great either. Just got back from there on the 16th and boy was it hot! You will love the traffic there. lol Looking forward to hearing how the Cambodian’s respond. What providence are you in?
